Case Study

Showpo’s Facebook Remarketing Ads Strategy Case Study


Facebook Remarketing Ads Strategy Case Study


Showpo is one of Australia’s leading global fashion company’s focused on disrupting the fashion and retail industry with a sprinkle of memes. Founded by Jane Lu in 2011, Showpo’s early adoption of content marketing took the company from a garage start-up, to a business that has global reach in a highly competitive market.

We couldn’t have done it without WebSavvy

Jane Lu – CEO

Our Work

The Problem:

Showpo has been with WebSavvy for a very long time – a partnership that has seen both businesses double in size over that span. The challenge for WebSavvy is to keep finding ways to improve on results, it’s all too easy for things to stay stale.

Our Action:

Part of the WebSavvy process is analysing data and iterating again and again. Each quarter we have internal goals to look at the things that don’t change often and see how we can improve.  We were able to rethink our remarketing approach and identify a new opportunity with Facebook Ads.

The Results:

Showpo has always had a great remarketing strategy and it has been a strong part of the overall approach.  By making a few adjustments to audiences we were able to capture immediate interest even better than before – adding a new element that created a 45x return on ad spend – and we were able to roll it out to all regions. Now Showpo is capturing the intent of their site visitors even better than ever!

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